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Address Verification for Ecommerce Stores

Using address verification is a useful way for ecommerce stores to reduce checkout errors and boost conversion rates. It can also serve as a useful reminder for customers.

The process uses official directories and Google Maps to verify information. It can help eliminate unnecessary pop-ups and reduce the amount of time spent on the checkout page.

The AVS system is part of a multilayered fraud prevention system. The system detects suspicious credit card transactions and sends a response code to the merchant to determine whether a transaction should be accepted or declined.

The AVS process is invisible to the customer. It usually takes a few seconds. This system is most commonly used by credit card processors to ensure that transactions are authorized and that the customer has entered the correct address.

Amazon has also implemented a business address verification program. This process is required by sellers with business accounts. This is a multi-step process that uses Google Maps, official directories, and other technology to verify the address.

Besides verifying the business address, Amazon requires that sellers provide proof of a physical address, such as a utility bill for piped water or electricity. In addition, sellers should also provide notarized documents. These documents should be in one of nine Amazon-approved languages.

Amazon's address verification process is designed to be fast and simple. Sellers are given a postcard with a verification code on it. After insertion of the code, Amazon will verify the address and send the postcard back to the seller. The postcard will arrive within a few days.



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